End Preventable Crash Fatalities: Appoint a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman

We propose that the United States establish an independent Office of National Traffic Safety Ombudsman to be an advocate to eliminate preventable crash deaths and serious injuries.

This person will be the voice for victims of vehicle violence and harness efforts of survivors and safety professionals to bring about Safer Vehicles, Safer Trucks, Safer Streets, and Safer Drivers.

Every average day in the U.S., 100 of our loved ones die in crash deaths and 400 more suffer serious crash injuries--along with $2 Billion in crash losses.

40,000 people died on U.S. roads in 2018.

We need someone who has a mandate to advocate on behalf of the victims, someone who is not compromised by competing interests. We call on the U.S. Congress to pass a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman Act to protect our families and loved ones from one of the leading causes of preventable death.

Traffic Safety has not been a national priority. Without this important action, too many lives will continue to be lost to vehicle violence.

U.S.A. Crash Death Clock

What would I do if I were the National Traffic Safety Ombudsman?

A Mom's Tragedy Turns To Advocacy

Shattered World, Broken Hearts

Why we need a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman!

We propose that the United States establish an independent Office of National Traffic Safety Ombudsman to be an advocate to eliminate preventable crash deaths and serious injuries.

Every average day in the U.S., 100 of our loved ones die in crash deaths and 400 more suffer serious crash injuries--along with $2 Billion in crash losses.

We need someone who has a mandate to advocate on behalf of the victims, someone who is not compromised by competing interests. We call on the President and Congress to work together and take this action to protect our families and loved ones from one of the leading causes of preventable death.

  1. The Traffic Safety Ombudsman would develop, refine, and monitor the pursuit of a National Vision Zero Goal.

  2. The Traffic Safety Ombuds would oversee a White House Vision Zero Task Force.

  3. The Traffic Safety Ombuds would be the watchdog to make sure that a Vision Zero Executive Order and Vision Zero rulemaking were carried out appropriately on behalf of travelers on the road.

Traffic Safety has not been a national priority. Without this important action, too many lives will continue to be lost to vehicle violence.

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