20 puppies and 4 dogs were living in squalor and neglect! Demand justice!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Massachusetts authorities

*Photo from the Animal Rescue League of Boston*

Four adult dogs and twenty puppies of varying ages were recovered from a home in Massachusetts recently. Fortunately, the Animal Rescue League of Boston was able to remove the animals and place them in foster care. The man who was neglecting them is facing charges of animal cruelty. We don't know why the man had so many dogs, but given their breed (pitbull), it's possible he was breeding them inhumanely in order to sell them. If that is the case, he may be part of a network of breeders or buyers that includes more animal abuse.

Will you sign the petition asking local authorities to investigate this animal abuser's connections to be sure no more dogs are suffering?

When authorities went to the home, they found that the dogs didn't have adequate access to food or water. The adults, one male dog and three female dogs, were all believed to be pitbull-type breeds. One of the puppies had a broken leg that hadn't been treated. Multiple puppies had umbilical hernias that will require surgery, likely because they were never given any veterinary care. Some of them also had heart murmurs. 

This story has a happy ending because all the dogs survived and thanks to the Animal Rescue League of Boston, they are getting appropriate care and many will be up for adoption soon. But we need to be sure that this isn't part of a bigger network of "backyard breeding". These are living beings and they never deserved the neglect they were subjected to for who knows how long. 

Will you sign on asking authorities to thoroughly investigate and make sure there aren't more abused animals who need help?

*If you want to donate to the Animal Rescue League of Boston or learn when the pups will be up for adoption, you can visit their site here. 

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