Help Save Wolves Today

Moments ago the Center for Biological Diversity and allies filed a federal suit against Wyoming's disastrous policies promoting unlimited killing of wolves across most of the state.

Since wolves in Wyoming lost their Endangered Species Act protection last month, 49 wolves have been killed in state-sanctioned hunts and unregulated killing in "predator" zones. In the three Rocky Mountain states where wolves have been delisted -- Idaho, Montana and Wyoming -- 177 wolves have been killed after just one month of hunting and trapping. Many of these wolves are part of highly social groups simply looking for a safe place to raise their families.
It's going to take an all-out, boots-on-the-ground effort through California, Oregon and Washington to ensure state and federal policies put the recovery of wolves first. 
We need to stop the massacre in Wyoming and make sure it never happens on the Pacific Coast. Help us make the most of this generous challenge grant and hit the ground running to save wolves. 

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