"SAVE The Beautiful Amur Leopard - 4A - Action Against Animal Abuse "

The Amur Leopard is extremely endangered . There are estimated to be between 20 and 35 left in the wild and only 5 or 6 of these are female. They live in Eastern Russia .A couple of reasons for their extinction is loss of habitat and poaching and illegal hunting.In a very short period of time the only remaining ones will be in captivity. The Government needs to provide funding for anti-poaching patrols, conservation of their habitat and for measures to increase their natural prey.

Would you please provide funding for anti-poaching patrols and loss of habitat for the beautiful Amur Leopards.We owe it the animals and our children to stop them becoming extinct.There also needs to be an increase in the amount of natural prey. These are small measures to save the Amur Leopard. Extinction Is Forever.Every country in the world will admire you for your efforts in saving this magnificent feline and you will be held in high esteem by every wildlife conservation group in the world.

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