Mijas Municipality: Stop donkey mistreatment

The donkey is the symbol of Mijas, one of the most beautiful and most visited villages in the Costa del Sol (Malaga). For centuries these animals have faithfully helped their inhabitants, becoming their indispensable partners to carry people and goods through the rugged mountains of the area.

Today, donkeys are still present in Mijas, but unfortunately they have been reduced to a mere tourist attraction that implies not only an exploitation of the animals, but also a continuous mistreatment: donkeys are tied almost all day in a bar with reduced mobility, at night are their stables are so small and overcrowded that they have no place or to lie down and rest, and they are frequently subject to abuse and beatings. Despite the attempts by various animal organizations to improve their living conditions, the fact is that every year serious abuses are continuously detected.

It’s time to stop using Mijas donkeys as taxis for tourists. There are alternatives to continue celebrating and promoting the donkeys as a symbol of the city of Mijas without abusing them, improving the image of Mijas as a modern and animal-lover village. Sign now this petition and help me get the City Council of Mijas to end the donkey taxi service and to meet with animal organizations to seek alternatives to continue promoting the role of the donkey in the village without causing them any damage.

Mr. Juan Carlos Maldonado, Mayor of Mijas,

Please end the donkey taxi service and arrange a meeting with animal organizations to seek alternatives to continue promoting the role of the donkey in the village without causing them any damage.

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