Once again Demand the Depart of Agriculture amend The Animal Act and Performing Animal Act.

Animals are tortured and tormented daily by people who are cruel by nature and by profit seekers at any cost.. the only way we can change this is by persuading the Government to amend the laws that are supposed too protect them. right now they are NOT working. The brutality and abuse gets worse as days go by because people are not punished to these outrageous crimes.

If we as the public and citizens of South Africa do not insist, without ever giving up that these laws are changed, our animals will continue to suffer unbearable pain becuase his only crimeis not being able to speak a human language! This seems to give individuals carte blanche to do what ever their insane cravings drive them to do.

I did a petition before to this effect and even after a year and a half of emailing phoning appealing to Dr Sangope I have banged up against a brick wall.

Please let us help our silent brothers and sisters with all we can.

Please read my timeline on Facebook, BronwenPurvis. I thank you in advance as I know there are very caring, outraged people out there.

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