Bring Breastfeeding Back to Sesame Street!

Please take a moment to sign this petition to bring breastfeeding back to Sesame Street.

Back in the 70's and 80's nursing was tastefully shown on the show but now they have replaced their nursing videos with bottles. 

Please note... We are not asking Sesame Street to remove bottle feeding. We are asking that both ways of feeding babies be shown as normal.    If we normalize breastfeeding in our community, especially with our children, we can help raise a generation of breastfeeders which will support our economy, make for healthier children and lessen the risk of breast cancer for many nursing mamas! 
To help normalize breastfeeding and remove the Booby Traps in the U.S., please make a donation to Best for Babes at  
Please direct questions, and media inquiries to Jessica or Lani at  
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