Demand Justice for Bullet

  • av: Rhonda Jordan
  • mottagare: Dennis Smith, District Attorney, District 2, Oklahoma (Roger Mills County)

On March 21st, a dog was found tied to brush on a country road in rural western Oklahoma. He’d been shot 5 times and left to die. Local rescuers found him lying on the ground and immediately took “Bullet” to a vet — with four exit wounds, and one bullet still lodged inside his body, the pup was not expected to survive. To everyone’s surprise, Bullet pulled through, and is now happily being fostered with a local group.

While this story has a happy ending, unfortunately, law enforcement has been dragging its heels on the investigation. Local authorities have not only neglected to follow up with Bullet’s rescuers, but the Roger Mills County Sheriff’s Department is also refusing to charge Bullet’s former owners, who have already confessed that they’d tried to kill the dog.

This should be an open and shut case of animal cruelty. Please sign and share the petition to help us get Bullet the justice he deserves!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thanks to EVERYONE who has signed our petition and is supporting us. Your thoughts and wishes are greatly appreciated. Keep on sharing and email our District Attorney!!

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