Mother Wolf Shot Just Outside Yellowstone

The female alpha wolf of the Yellowstone - Lamar Canyon pack was
shot and killed by a hunter during a brief excursion out of the park.

The shooting was especially heart-breaking because this wolf, whose partner was killed last month, was special. Her pack, which is part of a wolf research project, can often be observed by tourists and researchers as the wolves roam Lamar Valley at dusk.

Earlier this year, Wyoming's wolves lost their Endangered Species Act protection, and Wyoming announced that it would allow wolf hunting near Yellowstone for the first time.   This tragedy is the direct result of that status change.

Wyoming needs to establish a "safe zone" around Yellowstone Park to prevent such killing of park wolves who stray just outside the park boundries.

Tell Governor Matt Mead that Wyoming must adopt a buffer area around the protected areas where wolves are allowed to roam freely.  This was a senseless killing that benefitted no one and caused the loss of a magnificent animal and years of scientific study.

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