Give the Queens Guards faux skin hats

Anyone who has been to London, or even seen a picture from London has seen the Queens guards in their bears skin hats. Every year up to 60 bears are killed in Canada to be turned into hats. They are shot and they are sometimes trapped, and this is not acceptable.

Designer Stella McCartney has more than once over the last couple of years suggested that she design hats from faux skin, something  that would be just as good.

Please urge the Ministry of Defence to accept Stella McCartneys offer and leave an old, bloody and unnecessary tradition behind

Dear Sirs

In this day and age, when there is a variety of materials wich can be used instead of fur and leather, there is no need for the Queens Guards to still be using bear fur in their traditional hats.
We therefore, from the bottom of our hearts, urge you to accept the offer from Stella McCartney, or any designer of your choice, to design hats in faux fur.

This would spare the bears of Canada an completely unnecessary suffering, and also create a wave of good will towards your department, the Queen and her guards from animal lovers and wild life protectors all over the world. 

We are well aware of the long tradition of the bear skin hats, but we live in modern times now, and even if some traditions are worthy of protection, the killing of bears for hats is not one of them.
Please do the right thing for a modern department and end the suffering of Canadian bears. The guards would walk even taller in animal friendly hats.

Kind regards, 

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