Tell S. Korea to Stop Boiling Cats and Dogs Alive

Thousands of cats and dogs are farmed and slaughtered in South Korea for human consumption. They are slaughtered in the most brutal and barbaric ways imaginable with the prevailing myth that the greater the suffering, the more tender and tastier the meat and that mythical health properties are enhanced.

To be used in soups and "tonics", the animals are often bludgeoned, thrown into a tub of boiling water while often still alive, and then into a rotating drum for the removal of their fur, and finally blow-torched.

In cases where they are not boiled alive, they are electrocuted, hanged beaten to death.

This is technically illegal, yet the industry of cat and dog meat cruelty continues. We demand a ban on cat and dog meat or we will boycott of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea.

South Korea President Lee Myung-Bak
1 Cheongwadae-ro
Seoul 110-820
Republic of Korea

Thousands of cats and dogs are farmed and slaughtered in South Korea for human consumption. They are slaughtered in the most brutal and barbaric ways imaginable with the prevailing myth that the greater the suffering, the more tender and tastier the meat and that mythical health properties are enhanced.

To be used in soups and "tonics", the animals are often bludgeoned, thrown into a tub of boiling water while often still alive, and then into a rotating drum for the removal of their fur, and finally blow-torched.

In cases where they are not boiled alive, they are electrocuted, hanged beaten to death.

This is technically illegal, yet the industry of cat and dog meat cruelty continues. We demand a ban on cat and dog meat or we will boycott of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea.

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