End the Grand National once and for all.

Grand National 2013: horse heart attack was 'unfortunate accident'http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/horseracing/grand-national/9973666/Grand-National-2013-horse-heart-attack-was-unfortunate-accident.html

There are a million things that Humans can bet on, but ANIMALS should not be one of them.. Saturday’s terrible  deaths of Synchronised and According to Pete are totally unacceptable"


List of fatalities in the Grand National


The RSPCA has branded the deaths of two horses at the 2012 Grand National as "totally unacceptable".

Gavin Grant, the charity's chief executive, says an urgent investigation must be launched after Synchronised, this year's Cheltenham Gold Cup winner, and According to Pete were put down following falls.He also criticised overuse of the whip in the final stages of the race, saying the result should be reversed.The death of two horses at the Grand National, bringing the total to three at the Aintree meeting, is totally unacceptable



End the suffering already..

The whip was overused in the final stages of the race and is totally unacceptable and given the narrow margin of the win

End horse racing forever.

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