Save the Cumberland darter!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: United States Fish and Wildlife Service

The slender Cumberland darter, named after Cumberland Falls, lives only in silty streams in Kentucky and Tennessee. On the endangered species list since last year, the darter is still facing a strong chance of extinction. That is why the United States Fish and Wildlife Service now proposes to protect fifteen streams that are home to the darter. The proposal impacts only 53 miles of streams altogether and costs of protecting the darter will be born mostly by federal and state authorities. The comment period for this action will continue through June 25. Let Fish and Wildlife know that you support the conservation of this fragile species!

We the undersigned thank you for the vigilance you've shown in identifying the habitat of the elusive Cumberland darter and proposing conservation of 53 miles of stream where the darter swims and lives. We recognize that listing the Cumberland darter on the Endangered Species List has not been enough to save it. We completely support your effort to save this beautiful and fragile species from extinction.

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