Ban Pesticide Killing Butterflies

Studies from researchers suggests that the increased use of genetically modified crops may be causing monarch butterfly population declines.

The number of Monarch butterfly eggs in the Midwestern United States declined by 81 percent during a period that GM crops became more common on U.S. farms, 1999- 2010.

The widespead use of the herbicide, Roundup, sprayed on fields of Monsanto's genetically modified corn and soybean crops, is killing milkweed; the plant on which Monarch butterflies lay their eggs.

We ask the EPA to ban the use of the herbicide, Roundup, and consider current reseach to protect the monarch butterfly.


Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
USEPA Headquarters
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Mail Code: 1101A
Washington, DC 20460
Fax 202-501-1450

Studies from researchers suggests that the increased use of genetically modified crops may be causing monarch butterfly population declines.

The number of Monarch butterfly eggs in the Midwestern United States declined by 81 percent during a period that GM crops became more common on U.S. farms, 1999- 2010.

The widespead use of the herbicide, Roundup, sprayed on fields of Monsanto's genetically modified corn and soybean crops, is killing milkweed; the plant on which Monarch butterflies lay their eggs.

We ask the EPA to ban the use of the herbicide, Roundup, and consider current reseach to protect the monarch butterfly.

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