Do Not Punish People for Living Sustainably; Drop Charges Against Veteran Tyler Truitt Immediately!

  • av: Paige D
  • mottagare: Madison County District Attorney

Veteran Tyler Truitt is facing arrest for living off the grid on his own land.

In Huntsville, Alabama the state has proclaimed his home "unsafe living conditions" for the fact that he has created all of his own utilities.  According to the state, his house is classified as trailer and not allowed on city limits. 

After fighting for our country, Tyler Truitt is facing an arrest against the freedoms of this country he swore to protect.  Tyler Truitt is not harming anyone and should be allowed to live in the homestead he has worked so hard to build.  

Mr. Truitt should be rewarded for his efforts in sustainability, not punished.  

Please sign for the Madison County District Attorney to drop all charges are against Veteran Tyler Truitt and ensure his freedom to live sustainably on his own land.

Dear Madison County District Attorney,  

People who choose to practice sustainability on their own land should be rewarded, not punished.

I strongly urge you to drop all charges against Tyler Truitt and ensure he has the freedom to live sustainably on his own land.

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