Demand Justice for Endangered Monkeys Killed in Vietnam

  • av: Kelly Rogers
  • mottagare: Vietnamese Military Prosecution Office

Three Vietnamese soldiers have been detained for torturing and killing two endangered grey-shanked duoc monkeys in Vietnam’s Central Highlands area. The men were caught when the public became enraged by one of the men’s Facebook postings which contained pictures of the torture and killings. One of the photos showed a monkey, thought to be pregnant, being forced to smoke a cigarette before it was tortured and killed. The Vietnamese military is investigating the incident and ensuring the public it will deal with the soldiers appropriately. Sign the petition below to support the military’s prosecution efforts and demand justice for these rare and beautiful animals. This incident also brings to light the need for education about endangered species, and treatment of animals in general, by military personnel stationed throughout the country. Ask the Vietnamese military to use this horrific incident as an opportunity to implement education programs for soldiers.


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