Connor Franta to run a marathon

  • av: Maddie Stevens
  • mottagare: Connor Franta (@connorfranta on all social media)

Look, we really just want a bomb ass layout, but we also want to see Conchobar run a marathon.
We want to see him, and Nicola, achieve a really great reward. Of running a marathon.

CONsidering that he's already run a half-marathon, why not take it a step further. With a full marathon! Am I right or am I right? (hint: I'm right)

Please, if you feel the same about all this and want to support our lil Con, then sign this petition.
Help out some desperate fan-girls, and a sister (you should check Nicola's tweet about how he needs to run a marathon, we agree)

We just really want to see Connor run a marathon, and for him to show off his bomb ass medal afterwards.

That's all, love yah x

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