Save the elephants that are going to be slaughtered for Mugabe's Birthday

  • av: daniele pitzalis
  • mottagare: President Robert Mugabe - First Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa - Second Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko

On his 91st birthday Robert Mugabe in order to celebrate this anniversay is going to held a banquet, in which the main course are going to be two elephants, and other animals, please join me to speak up for this majestic creatures and ask Mr Mugabe to save their life, please sign and share it, for more info click on the link below, it is very urgent, cheers

Please Mr Robert Mugabe - First Vice PresidentEmmerson Mnangagwa - Second Vice PresidentPhelekezela Mphoko

save the life of two poor elephant and do not using them as part of the meal for your birthday

Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Thanks again for signing, we did our best, at least we have fight for their right, I am bit sad for the fact that the care2 team at the begininning has offered to help me giving more visibility and than they have withdrawn their help just because a more influent member of the community has create later than me a similar petition, sadly It is time to close the petition, thanks for your effort.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Thanks all for signing my petition, thanks for your time, I have sent the signature with no answer at all from the stakeholders, unfortunately Zimbawe and his president are not really democratic, I guess that the poor elephants by now are probably already dead.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Hello all,

I am going to sending the signature today, or later tomorrow, thanks to all for signing, unfortunately, 5k person won't be enough to make understand anything to such a small inhuman "person"

Thanks for you time and effort

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