Incarcerate Josephine Josie Ragland for abusing and killing dogs

  • av: TERA International
  • mottagare: Connecticut Department of agriculture Commissioner Bryan.Hurlburt , DOAG Commissioner California ,Santa Clara, California District Attorney, Middlesex County District attorney

Fake dog trainer Josie Ragland has been using the website Thumbtack to steal, torture and kill dogs. Her criminal profile involves pretending she's an "experienced trainer" who can retrain dogs in a few weeks with her "innovative methods." Ragland is then entrusted with multiple dogs, takes the owner's money and crates the dogs in cruel and dangerous conditions. Raglan purposely deprives each dog of food, water, and exercise.

On at least two occasions Josie Ragland has killed dogs under her care. Scott, a German Shepherd that Ragland stole in January while she was abusing dogs in California and Charlie, a French bulldog that she killed in September 2023 in Connecticut. A necropsy on Charlie -a healthy dog prior-revealed that he died only a few days after he was placed in Ragland's care. Close to a dozen other dog owners in New England, and California have come forward with stories of their dogs, being severely traumatized, and almost dying.

Ragland's sick behavior extends beyond the physical abuse animals to sardonically gaslighting and lying to owners. After Ragland killed Scott , she attempted to return a different dog wearing his collar! Arrogantly and with no remorse, she gave conflicting stories to both Scott's devastated owners and law-enforcement. Unfortunately, the authorities in Santa Clara, California declined to press charges and Ragland was free to abuse and kill other dogs in the same manner. This time using her family home in Haddam, Connecticut as a base for her sickening criminal behavior.

Josie Ragland is a dangerous and violent sociopath therefore in the interest of both animal and public safety we the undersigned ask that she be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We ask the courts to incarcerate her for 10 years, the maximum penalty allowed under Connecticut and Massachusetts law for animal cruelty.

We ask the district attorney of Santa Clara County to finally file charges against her.

Finally, we demand that Josie Ragland be barred from owning or working with dogs for life.

Please sign the petition to make sure that Josie Ragland pay for her animal cruelty. While we sadly can't bring back Scott, Charlie and the other dogs that she killed, we can at least protect others. Should she be released and given another chance she will do it again.

Tell the authorities enough is enough!

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