Municipality of Tivat: Find The Person Responsible & Bring Him/Her To Justice

Pictures have surfaced today on the page "Podgoricki vremeplov" on Facebook of a dog that was tied with a rope around his neck, a stone on the other end and thrown in the sea. The Government of Tivat has yet to react in this matter and the person that did it is still unknown.

Please urge the Municipality of Tivat to find the person responsible for this gruesome act and bring him/her to justice. This is murder and should not be tolerated!

Here is a list of emails you can also use to contact them directly:

President of the Municipal Assembly - Ivan Novosel:
The Vice President of the Municipality of Tivat - Prof. dr Siniša Kusovac:
The Vice President of the Municipality of Tivat - Dejan Maslovar:
The Vice President of the Municipality of Tivat - Ilija Janović:
Chief Administrator - Marija Sijerkovic:
Secretariat for Local Government:
Secretariat for Youth, Sport and Social Issues:
Assembly Service:

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