• av: jonathon Proctor
  • mottagare: South Tyneside Council Chief Executive Martin Swales

We the undersigned are calling for an immediate ban on the Camel Parade South Tyneside are planning on hosting.

Camels by their very nature are wild and reclusive animals and it is cruel and abusive to force these animals to travel hundreds of miles in confined spaces away from their natural habitat to appear in such events where there will be crowds of people adding to their distress and discomfort.

We would urge South Tyneside to reconsider their plans and put the well being and safety of animals first and not just consider them for their entertainment value.

Please give animals a christmas WITHOUT cruelty 

Dear South Tyneisde council 

We the undersigned  sign this petition in our call to ban south tyneside council's camel parade 6th december 2013 

We call for all future performances to not include live animals.

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