In  December  of  2011, A.B McReynolds and his  18 year old grandson were arrested for animal cruelty and abuse. Horse carcasses were laying around his property and one dead horse had a dog tied to it. 6 carcasses were in a hog pen.  Two dead hogs lay nearby.One dead dog was found. One horse was euthanized there and another one died during the night.  The charges revolved around Mr. McReynolds starving the horses to death and using them for dog food for his dogs. McReynolds denies being involved with the abuse, even though it occurred  on his property. He has also  allegedly said 'there is nothing a person can do to an animal that calls for 1 hour of jail time'.  The preliminary hearing has been postponed until 2/14/13.  We want the DA  to know that it isn't acceptable to offer a plea bargain to McReynolds and his grandson.  Please watch this video and help us work to see that the accused are prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws.

Mr. Jeff Smith
District Attorney
LeFlore County
Poteau, Oklahoma

Dear Mr. Smith:

This petition concerns the animal abuse case, before your court, of A.B. McReynolds and his grandson, William. They were arrested in December of 2011 and charged with   animal abuse felonies. As you know, dead horses and other animals were found on Mr. McReynold's property and  the horses were allegedly starved for food for his dogs.

I know you are well aware of the facts of the case and I wanted you to know that the citizens of LeFlore County are better than that. We don't want to live in a time and place where animal abusers aren't punished within our laws.
Mr. Smith, animals are innocent and someone has to be their voice. That is what this petition represents; we are speaking for them.

I respectfully ask you to consider the severity of this case and proceed with a fair and just  presentation to the judge at the preliminary hearing, February 14, 2013,

Thank you,
Pat Allgood
Smithville, Oklahoma

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