Animal testing is an inhumane act of animal abuse. Testing the toxic chemicals we use for cosmetics and medicines on animals is delusional. Animals suffer with mutations, diseases and injuries because of this act. Then, after the test is over and the results are recorded, the animals a killed. But, for what? Why do we put animals (lives) through this torture? The pictures that can be searched of Animal Testing are cringe worthy and disgusting. We need to stop this act at once.

Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled and totured in US labs every year. Chemicals are rubbed on the animal's shaved skin and dropped into their eyes for irritation tests without pain relief. Animal abuse is excempted of the Animal Welfare Act in labs, even though they are being tortured and killed.

Innocent animals are taken, locked in cages and dare I say held hostage to just be tested on and murdered just so you can have your mascara and laundry detergent. This is cruelty. Animals are already put through plenty of abuse, so why not stop it all one step at a time. Stop Animal Testing. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!

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