SAVE OUR DUCKIE! Tell City Council: Don't Make My 3-Year-Old Son Give Up His Pet Duck!

A City Ordinance says our 3-yr-old son cant keep his best friend. Let's change this. Make an exception for ducks. If larger cities are able to have these types of pets, why cant we do the same in our smaller rural community??

Our son recieved little Duckie as an Easter Gift from his 80-yr-old Grandma. He was so EXCITED! We honestly didn't think we would keep him, but as time went on, we all FELL IN LOVE. To Duckie, Everett is his Human. He follows him everywhere, even while he is riding his little tractor. He isn't violent, doesn't try to fly away, and never leaves the yard. Our neighbors all Love him.

Please help us change this ordinance and make an exception!!

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