Stop the illegal killing of strays in Ukraine

  • av: Olga Pronina
  • mottagare: Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine

Animal Welfare Association of Ukraine discovered an illegal plan to bring together the groups of outlaw dog hunters from both Russia and Ukraine in order to kill the mass amount of strays in Lviv as well as other cities and towns of Ukraine in preparation for Euro 2012. Other such plans were stopped with international help, so now they are using illegal means.

The dates: 27,28,29 of May, 2012.

There is a shameful understanding between the killers and the local authorities. The police will not stop them. The border guards will not stop them. They are going to shoot and poison every animal in their way, even those who have owners are in danger. The local residents have been warned to keep their children at home, to stop going out after dark.

This is a war. A bloody and illegal war against the helpless animals. 
Ukraine needs your voices to be heard, people of the world. Please help. 

(Here's some information in the Ukrainian language 

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