Increase Rhino anti poaching patrols in South Africa

  • av: Respect Rhinos
  • mottagare: Ambassador A D J Ndou, South African Embassy, Dublin, Ireland.

300 rhinos have been poached illegally in the first seven months of 2012. They are poached for their horns which sell both openly and on the black market in Asia, primarily China and Vietnam. While the horn is made of keratin it has been cunningly marketed as a natural wonder drug with special healing powers and properties. This demand is decimating rhino populations throughout their ranges in South Africa.

Rhino poaching has increased dramatically over the last six years with poachers now using heavy arms, chainsaws and helicopters to target rhinos. This has put the poachers at a great advantage over the under resourced rangers trying their best to protect them.

South Africa has become a prime country for eco tourists to visit to view the wonderful wildlife, the South African Government has a duty to both its environment and its citizens to to protect this wildlife for ecological biodiversity, the eco tourism industry and the nations future generations.

We, the signatories to this petition ask that you, Ambassador Ndou, make representations to your Government requesting that the state set aside more funds to immediately increase and implement more anti poaching patrols in all rhino range areas.

We remain hopeful that you will make these representations and achieve a positive outcome from them.

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