Combat the Rampant Spread of Animal Abuse on Social Media Platforms

As a leading force in wildlife advocacy with a global interest, Born Free South Africa are deeply disturbed by the increasing instances of animal abuse, particularly targeting baby monkeys, on social media platforms like Facebook. This issue is not only personal to us but also poses a significant threat to the welfare and survival of these innocent creatures.

The rise in such horrifying acts is alarming. According to the World Animal Protection report 2020, there has been an unprecedented surge in online animal cruelty incidents over recent years. This exploitation must be addressed urgently.

We are calling upon Facebook and other social media platforms to implement stricter policies against animal abuse content and enforce severe penalties for those who engage in such heinous activities. These platforms have an ethical responsibility towards ensuring that their spaces do not become breeding grounds for such atrocities.

We believe that every creature has an inherent right to thrive in its native habitat without fear or harm. It's time we stand up against this rampant abuse and demand change from these influential platforms.

Please sign this petition if you believe in our cause and want to make a difference for these innocent animals who cannot speak up for themselves.

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