Help us stop the massacre of wolves in Wisconsin by the Hunters out there!!!

  • av: Fabienne Brassinne
  • mottagare: The Wisconsin Wolf Hunters Group (to be seen on Facebook), President Barack Obama, Animal Protection Oraganizations

These hunters are publicly showing outrageous pictures of their acts of slaugthery and torture on hundreds of innocent wolves and are claiming to make more and more fans to help them killing all of these poor animals in the most horrific ways on Facebook!!!

We want laws to be respected or implemented! Don't forget that wolves are not the only species targetted here and this group is linked to many others throughout the USA! Think to bears, coyottes, foxes, and many others!!! Please let's stop this, let's teach their children, our children to leave in Peace on this planet in a different way, the cavemen were even not that cruel and dangerous to get their legitimate food and clothes!!! Thanking you in advance!!!

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