Leaf Blower Ban

Gas powered leaf blowers need to be banned from the city of Portland. They are a big source of not only noise but also air  pollution in our neighborhoods. Portland is known as a city with progressive environmental policies with it's extensive lightrail network, bike friendly policies, clean water laws and recycling/composting services so it only makes sense to ban gas powered leaf blowers and encourage the use of human powered rakes. Please help make this needed change happen and sign this petition.

Gas powered leaf blowers need to be banned from the city of Portland. They are a big source of not only noise but also air  pollution in our neighborhoods. Portland is known as a city with progressive environmental policies with it's extensive lightrail network, bike friendly policies, clean water laws and recycling/composting services so it only makes sense to ban gas powered leaf blowers and encourage the use of human powered rakes. Please help make this needed change happen and sign this petition.

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