One hung and they watched (a class H felony); please help remove the other animals from the home!

  • av: Kelly Lane
  • mottagare: Residents of 804 West 23rd Street

The residents have four dogs in the backyard that are neglected and are mistreated. For example; one day they place two of the dogs into the back of a truck. One of the dogs was scared and crawled out of the bed of the truck and hung there. I yelled over to them to stop him but they stood there and did nothing; I immediately ran over and (he looked dead) pushed him up and over into the truck. I called Animal Control. After speaking with the neighbors and learning that they mistreat the animals we have decided to make a change. Please sign to help protect the animals.

Sign this petition to prevent another hanging (and mistreatment) by the residents of 804. Make a difference and sign please.

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