Atlanta City Council: Ban Bullhooks!

I am writing to ask you to support the ordinance banning all use of bullhooks on elephants that was introduced by councilmembers Felicia Moore and Natalyn Archibong. While well intended, the recently passed ordinance prohibiting the “discipline” of elephants with bullhooks in limited circumstances is not enforceable as it would apply only if a witness came forward to attest that he or she saw a bullhook used to “punish” an elephant and that the specific incident resulted in the elephant’s skin being observably broken, scarred, or otherwise damaged—an almost impossible task given that this abuse often happens behind the scenes, that handlers commonly strike elephants in places that hide the wounds, such as behind the ears or under the chin, and that circuses use a gray powder called “Wonder Dust” that blends in with elephants’ skin to cover up any wounds. A total ban on bullhooks is the only way to stop circuses from beating elephants

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