Stop Oil and Natural Gas Exploration off of North Carolina

We're asking you to help us stop oil and natural gas exploration off the coast of North Carolina.  Please sign and share with others to show your support!

We the undersigned request that Dare County formally oppose any new offshore oil and gas drilling or exploration off the coast of North Carolina. We support a complete ban of petroleum exploration and production off the North Carolina coast to preserve our coastal economies and environments forever.

1. Opening the coast of NC to petroleum interests gambles a reliable tourism and residential income — $30 billion from clean beaches and coastal areas every two years [2002, The Marlowe Group] compared to an estimated $24 billion in revenue sharing after 30 to 40 years [2008 U.S. Mineral Management Service] — while offering no direct benefit for coastal residents themselves.

2. Research shows spill risks increase substantially both over time and with every new derrick and tanker — and increase still further when you consider North Carolina’s role as “Graveyard of the Atlantic,” its frequent winter storms and strong history of tropical activity (hurricanes).

3. North Carolina coast offers far more revenues and renewable income as a pristine tourist destination and commercial fishery than it will ever yield as a limited source of oil or natural gas.

4. This area is a highly sensitive habitat for wildlife (including protected and endangered species of fish, birds and turtles) and irreplaceable to humans.

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