STOP Hunting Preserve to Open In Grainger County, TN!

Along the quiet Dry Valley Road in Grainger County, Tennessee about 45 minutes from Knoxville, Clinch Mountain Hunting Adventures will unveil it's grand opening in September.

Robert Haun, the deviant behind this madness, moved into the area, bringing with him dozens of exotic animals such as zebras, buffalo, hogs and deer.  For a fee that ranges between $600 and $10,000, one would be able to hunt down and kill any of the animals on this 20 acre site. 

The Grainger County Humane Society calls this activity a "canned hunt", even though some members make it clear that they do not oppose hunting!

In his defense, Robert Haun claims that "folks just don't understand".  "They think it's up here behind a big, high fence, the animals have nowhere to go.  As you can see, there's plenty of places for the animals to hide that we cannot access".

But the real truth is that this a most inhumane activity.  These innocent animals are brought to this preserve for the sole purpose of being hunted down and killed.  It's a cruel and thoughtless slaughter, being masked as "sport". 

Currently, there is a petition being started to increase the acreage for the preserve from 20 acres to 1,000.  This is still not good enough, as it still allows this insanity to continue, and defenseless, frightened animals to be hunted down and killed.

Please help stop this violent act to take place by signing this petition to ban this preserve from opening it's doors in September, Robert Haun to have animal cruelty charges brought against him, and to re-route the animals within the preserve's confines to a comfortable and safe refuge elsewhere, away .  Thank you so much for your support!!

For video footage and additional information on this story, follow the link below:
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