URGENT: Justice for British Cat Puss-Puss Now!

"Miracle Cat" Puss-Puss of the UK truly is a miracle cat. This sweet 3-year-old was shot THIRTY times before her return home. Her owner reported she was "dragging her feet, covered in blood, and clearly injured." Puss-Puss was rushed to the vet immediately after her return to her home.
Puss-Puss is expected to make a recovery, though she must have an eye removed due. to the incident. The shooter has yet to be found.
The British Police Enforcements should be tracking down this criminal. Shooting Puss-Puss was an act of cruelty on its own, and this person may be dangerous to humans and other animals.
We need this case to be solved as soon as possible. The gunman should be punished for this horrible act!

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