Stop The Cruel Dog-Fighting Trend of Trunking

A new horrific trend in dog figting called "trunking" is gaining momemtum in Florida and must be stopped.  Trunking locks two dogs in the confined spcace of a car trunk while they are driven around for 10 to 15 minutes.  The driver plays music so loudly no one can hear the fight that is going on between the two innocent dogs.  Finally the driver stops the vehicle and opens the trunk to reveal the outcome.  Whichever dog is dead or injured is tossed into the street while the victor fights again.

Dear Governor Scott,

We the undersigned ask that you give your utmost attention to stop the new horrific trend of dog fighting called trunking.  This cruel new trend pits innocent dogs against each other in a confined space so they will fight each other to the death.

Trunking is gaining momentum and must be stopped and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 
Animal Control officers in your state report seeing more and more of these cases.

We ask that you find the root of the trunking rings and stop them before the trend sweeps the nation.  

Thank you for your time and consideration to solve this problem.      

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