Demand an End to the Killing of Dogs and Cats in Vietnam during Covid-19

You may know, my country experienced the 4th wave of the pandemic. A lot of people have to leave Ho Chi Minh city after the lockdown. Among them, a couple went back to their hometown and brought 15 dogs with them by motorbike.
Unfortunately, when the couple passed 308 km from Ho Chi Minh City to Ca Mau, they got Covid. Those 15 dogs should have been cared for by neighbors while their owners were in quarantine, but can you imagine what Ca Mau did with them? They put 15 poor dogs in bags and drowned them, then burned them with the discretion of a doctor, just because they thought those dogs would spread the virus.
The couple and their 15 dogs were famous on Facebook for their journey these days. Netizens prayed for them to be safe, but this ending broke our hearts. Currently, people are extremely angry with what is happening in Ca Mau. For more information, you can search "15 chú chó về quê" on google.
I hope the organization will speak up so that everyone in the world knows about this barbaric act in my country.

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