Demand Thailand outlaw stealing and torturing baby elephants for tourism

  • av: Naomi Dreyer
  • mottagare: General Prayuth Chan-Ocha, Leader of the National Council for Peace and Order

Baby elephants are taken from their mothers, tied to a tree for a week, kept in isolation, locked in cages where they cannot move, and severely beaten in an effort to get them ready for tourists who will later ride them. Such abuse needs to end in order to ensure that these animals are able to live out their lives as wild elephants instead of slaves to the general populous.
Sadly, baby elephants are said to cry throughout the time they are tied up. lAdditionally, although baby elephants should drink milk until they are at least two years old, they are only given bananas and water to eat.
Outlaw stealing elephants from the wild and using abusive training methods to get them used to people.
Demand Thailand outlaw using elephants to entertain tourists and that anyone caught abusing elephants in this manner be held accountable under law. Animals don’t deserve to be abused for entertainment.

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