Demand to see the lost / found posters a person makes at the local Humane societies.

Did you know our humane societies allow the public to make lost / found animal posters? Did you know that when you find a lost pet like cat or dog they have posters for the public to make a pdf with picture ? But did you also know that these posters that that person makes no one sees them through the humane societies web site. We have an animal crisis on our hands and if those picture poster that the public makes if they were to be seen by the public people might actually be able to locate and find their lost pet . On several occasions I have made these posters for cats I have found, but the only people that see them are me and the humane society. That doesn't help anyone at all especially that lost animal. I am making this petition to hopefully get those posters listed for the public to see so their loved animal can be located. I know this would help societies everywhere in Canada maybe even world wide. I am in Regjna Saskatchewan Canada and I wish we as the public could see what's been found or lost. Please DO IT NOW  Sign my petition to make a difference in animals llives today  they have a rights too. If no one speaks up for them then they may forever be lost and not found. Lets make their life matter more.

K Dragon

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