!!!!!!UK and US Governments and Congress: Ban Rat and Mouse Poisons!!!!!!

I'm on holiday and have seen what may be a rat poison station. Rats are one of my favourite animals. I know wild rats can carry diseases, but this is hardly their fault...
If I'm right, rat poison kills very inhumanely, basically turning their insides into a soup, thinning their blood, making them bleed from the mouth and can take days of agony before the rat 🐀 finally dies.
There are other, more humane ways of dealing with rats 🐀 and mice 🐁 besides poisoning them, such as using humane live traps to catch-and-release and the use of repellents. Why not research and consider methods of humanely sterilising rats and mice, such as by humanely catching them, humanely spaying/neutering them or using a safe, humane chemical to render them sterile instead?
No animals should have to suffer and/or die unnecessarily just because humans don't like them...
Thank you 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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