Save Beluga Whales from Pebble Mine

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden
The proposed Pebble Mine threatens two of Alaska's beluga whale populations, including the last 340 belugas of Cook Inlet. The United States government recently designated more than 3,000 square miles of Alaska's Cook Inlet as critical habitat for a genetically unique and geographically isolated population of endangered beluga whales.

The mine would also threaten the beluga population of Bristol Bay, which depends heavily on the area's abundant salmon runs. It would be unconscionable to build a mega-mine with colossal dams that must hold back an estimated 10 billion tons of mining waste in an active earthquake zone.

Pebble Mine is the common name of an advanced mineral exploration project investigating a very large porphyry copper, gold, and molybdenum mineral deposit in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska. Several prominent UK jewelers announced a pledge not to buy gold from the Pebble mine if it is built, joining several American jewellery retailers and manufacturers who had done the same in 2008.

We ask President Obama to uphold protections for endangered species and stop plans for Pebble Mine.

The proposed Pebble Mine threatens two of Alaska's beluga whale populations, including the last 340 belugas of Cook Inlet. The United States government recently designated more than 3,000 square miles of Alaska's Cook Inlet as critical habitat for a genetically unique and geographically isolated population of endangered beluga whales.

The mine would also threaten the beluga population of Bristol Bay, which depends heavily on the area's abundant salmon runs. It would be unconscionable to build a mega-mine with colossal dams that must hold back an estimated 10 billion tons of mining waste in an active earthquake zone.

Pebble Mine is the common name of an advanced mineral exploration project investigating a very large porphyry copper, gold, and molybdenum mineral deposit in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska. Several prominent UK jewelers announced a pledge not to buy gold from the Pebble mine if it is built, joining several American jewellery retailers and manufacturers who had done the same in 2008.

We ask President Obama to uphold protections for endangered species and stop plans for Pebble Mine.

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