Lax animal cruelty laws needs to be as strick as humans

This is for the constant lax of animal cruelty laws in the U.S. day after day people kill, burn, beat, bruise, bloody, bludgeoning, and many more cruel ways to speak of.
Animals: dogs, cats, horses, birds...... could keep goin on but won't, they don't have a voice, they can't defend themselves, they can't tell the police, fight in court their constant abuse keeps getting over looked with minor fines and very little jail time. They depend on us to keep them safe, feed and water them but to never harm them, and to destroy a gift as a loving caring animal then only get probation and fines or a year or two of jail is terrible.
If it's harsh punishment for humans, it needs to be the same harsh punishments for animal abusers.
Death for murder, several years for abuse, nationwide black list to never own or possess another poor defenseless creature they don't deserve it
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