STOP the Barbaric Cruelty

    HQ has launched a new petition calling for a ban on all non-stun animal slaughter, specifically halal and kosher.

    This petition is addressed to the Ministry for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

    The petition reads:

    'Strict halal and kosher slaughter require cutting the animal's throat while fully conscious. Both are exempted on religious grounds from the usual requirement to pre-stun animals.'

    'In 2018, an estimated over 100 million animals were slaughtered in Canada without pre-stunning. This causes unnecessary suffering.
    Slaughtering animals without prior stunning is already banned in Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovenia, Norway, and likely soon in Belgium. Denmark's minister of agriculture and food, Dan Jorgensen, famously said, "Animal rights come before religion,"

    'We, the undersigned, demand an end to non-stun animal slaughter in Canada, and a ban on importation of non-stun ritually slaughtered meat.'

    Can you spare just thirty seconds to sign this petition and help us reach our target?

    Please sign the petition below:
    Signera petitionen
    Signera petitionen
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