Ask the U.S. authorities to stop throwing tons of milk to the garbage can

   According to law in the U.S.A., any foreign airplane that lands on American ground must place all remnants of dairy products into a waste bag in order to be unloaded and destroyed, inluding those locked or not open, in bottles, bricks or even milk powder, supposedly to prevent entering any disease into the American fauna or livestock.
   Although this could be considered logical at a first glance, this measure includes all products that remain on board and are never going to be disembarked; therefore tons of milk are treated like waste and destroyed daily while they could be used on next fligths.

  Just think of the dreadful conditions of the milky cows confined for life in factory farms, not to mention hunger in the world or the impact that breeding animals has in the greenhouse effect, and all this could take you to support my petition to stop this ridiculous obligation to throw loads of unused milk to the waste. 

Hola, niña. Aquí te lo mando y a ver si esta vez la firmas.

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