$45,000 Reward for Murdered White Buffalo

Lakota Ranch, a Native American ranch in near Greenville, Texas, is offering a $45,000 reward for information leading to the killer of a rare white buffalo calf found slaughtered and skinned on April 30. The calf's mother, White Buffalo Woman, was found dead and skinned the next day.


The owner found the little buffalo. named White Medicine Cloud, after returning from a trip out of town.


The white buffalo calf is revered by Lakota Sioux, whose tribal lore said the goddess of peace once appeared in the form of a white buffalo calf. They are very rare. According to the National Bison Association, just one out of every 10 million buffalo born are white.


We ask the sherrifs' department of Greenville to bring the killers to justice.






The Hunt County Sheriff’s Department,

Sheriff Randy Meeks

2801 Stuart Street
Greenville, Texas 75401
(903) 453-6800

Lakota Ranch, a Native American ranch in near Greenville, Texas, is offering a $45,000 reward for information leading to the killer of a rare white buffalo calf found slaughtered and skinned on April 30. The calf's mother, White Buffalo Woman, was found dead and skinned the next day.


The owner found the little buffalo. named White Medicine Cloud, after returning from a trip out of town.


The white buffalo calf is revered by Lakota Sioux, whose tribal lore said the goddess of peace once appeared in the form of a white buffalo calf. They are very rare. According to the National Bison Association, just one out of every 10 million buffalo born are white.


We ask the sherrifs' department of Greenville to bring the killers to justice.


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