Tell Pakistan To Investigate Child Abuse Scandal

A gang of child sex abusers was apprehended in Pakistan recently. The five men have been arrested, but there are some questions about whether the Pakistan government is doing all it can to prevent future crimes of the same type. The suspects are charged with filming 280 children in sexually compromising scenes and then blackmailing the parents to keep the films from going public.

Naturally, civil rights leaders are calling for a full investigation, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan among them. However, the Lahore High Court has so far refused to authorize such an inquiry. Please join me in asking the Lahore High Court to launch a full and honest investigation into these crimes so that this kind of thing will not happen again.

To the Lahore High Court:

We the undersigned are outraged to learn that five Pakistani men have been allegedly filming children in sex acts and then blackmailing the parents to keep the films out of the public eye. We understand that the men involved have been arrested, but the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is calling for a full investigation. We think this is a more than reasonable request. It is not enough to simply arrest a few people. You need to understand how this organized crime evolved in the first place. Only then can you take appropriate steps to prevent it from happening again. It is your job to send a strong message that abusing and exploiting children is not acceptable. Please conduct a thorough investigation into the recent child abuse scandal, reportedly the biggest in Pakistan's history.

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