Caribou and You

Help protect the Woodland Caribou and their home, the Boreal Forest. In doing so, we slow the effects of climate change also. 

Canada's Woodland Caribou population is decreasing at a rapid rate due to overdevelopment of their homes. These iconic mammals have disappeared from 3 provinces already and if we don't act now, they will no longer be seen in Canada. The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is asking the federal government to meet its obligation to protect these animals and their habitat under the Species at Risk Act. In protecting these animals, we are also protecting one of the world's largest natural carbon reservoirs, the Boreal Forest, which slows down the effects of climate change. For more info, go to

I care about caribou

I support protecting Canada's woodland caribou and their carbon-rich home - Canada's Boreal wilderness. Please act now to protect the Boreal caribou's remaining habitat.

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