Stop Dropping Live Turkeys from Planes

"In the past, a cruel event where planes senselessly drop turkeys from the air for the sake of entertainment has been a tradition at a festival in Yellville, Arkansas. While this heartless and illegal activity is now banned, there have been reports that an unofficial turkey drop may be planned for this year’s festival. In October, Yellville officials are set to hold their annual Turkey Trot Festival. For years, the turkey drop event was a tradition at the festival. Spectators watched as flightless wild turkeys were cruelly dropped from private planes from heights of about 1,000 feet. This disgusting tradition ensures the turkeys would needlessly plummet to their deaths by slamming into buildings, cars and streets. This is an incredibly inhumane, twisted form of ‘entertainment’ that causes unnecessary terror and inevitable death for the poor creatures involved. It is the responsibility of city officials to ensure that no illegal activity occurs at the festival. Urge Yellville’s mayor to ensure this year’s festival remains cruelty free and ensure no unofficial turkey drops are performed."

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