SAVE the Tigers at Phuket Fantasea

I recently visited 'Fantasea' in Phuket Thailand and was surprised to find an outdated menagerie with floor to ceiling windows and little much else, in a small enclosure were 2 white tigers trapped 24/7. Not a tree or leaf in site,hard floors and white walls, no stimulation what so ever for these poor creatures. They just pace up and down the length of the room roaring from time to time, they look over-fed and their fur looks shabby and unkempt. They definitely did not appear happy in their mannerisms or appearance. These tigers need to be released into the care of an animal rescue program; or Fantasea needs to take responsibility and build them a better enclosure with grass, trees,stimulation and more room to move and some privacy. Please sign this petition to get the attention of Fantasea and animal welfare organisations! HELP Fantasea see these condition are unacceptable and change is needed.

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