Sanctuary for Toronto Zoo Elephants

It was decided by the City of Toronto Councillors to send 3 elephants at the Toronto Zoo (Iringa, Toka and Thika), to a large, natural habitat sanctuary in California.


The Association of Zoos and Aquariums -AZA- revoked the zoo's accreditation last week because of a plan to send the elephants to a sanctuary. Now, some City of Toronto Councillors are wondering if they made the right decision when they voted to send the elephants to the PAWS Sanctuary in California.


Tell the Toronto Councillors they made the correct decision for the welfare of the elephants. They should not be bullied or coerced by tactics to give the zoo more control at the expense of taxpayer who foot the bill for zoo operations.


SOURCE and Additional Petition:


Mayor Rob Ford

Office of the Mayor
Toronto City Hall,
2nd Floor,
100 Queen St. West,
Toronto ON
M5H 2N2

Phone: 416-397-FORD (3673)


It was decided by the City of Toronto Councillors to send 3 elephants at the Toronto Zoo (Iringa, Toka and Thika), to a large, natural habitat sanctuary in California.


The Association of Zoos and Aquariums -AZA- revoked the zoo's accreditation last week because of a plan to send the elephants to a sanctuary. Now, some City of Toronto Councillors are wondering if they made the right decision when they voted to send the elephants to the PAWS Sanctuary in California.


Tell the Toronto Councillors they made the correct decision for the welfare of the elephants. They should not be bullied or coerced by tactics to give the zoo more control at the expense of taxpayer who foot the bill for zoo operations.


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