Demand Maximum Sentence for Sadistic Slaughterhouse Worker

"Thanks to the work of an undercover investigation by a private group, Yurianne “Elvin” Hervis-Gonzalez was arrested and charged with 30 felony counts of animal cruelty for his sadistic role in the Miami-Dade slaughterhouse. Hervis-Gonzalez reportedly beat, kicked and dragged pigs on their way to be boiled by placing hooks in their mouths. Undercover video shows this horrific abuse as pigs can be heard squealing in unimaginable pain.

Hervis-Gonzalez’s former slaughterhouse employer Raul “Freaky” Fernandez was arrested on animal cruelty charges earlier this year, as was fellow employee Yonisley “Pipe” Garcia. We need to ask Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle to do everything in her power to see that Hervis-Gonzalez is given the maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $10,000 for each of the 30 animal cruelty charges against him."

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